CDNJS Advanced Search

Enhanced advanced search with multiple filters.

Code Template Generator

Provides starter code for a variety of programming and scripting languages.

Color Chooser

For choosing from the named HTML colors, or a custom interface, and different ways of writing it in code. The color itself is also offered for those with eyedropper tools.

Convert Case

For changing text case. Supported languages for title case: en, fr, de, es, it, pt, nl, sv.

Convert HTML Entities

Converts non-ASCII literals back and forth to HTML entities.

CSS Gradient Generator

Visually create linear, radial, and conic CSS gradients. Apply color palettes and drag-and-drop reordering. Generate the corresponding CSS code.

CSS Unit Converter

Convert between various CSS units like px, em, rem, %, pt, vw, vh, vmin, and vmax based on context values. Includes dynamic dependency highlighting.

CSV ⇔ JSON Converter

CSV ⇔ JSON Converter with support for comma, semicolon, or tab delimiters, plus text area styling to avoid line wraps that break parsing.

Curly Quoter

Converts straight quotes to curly quotes and back, with choices between literals and entities, supporting multiple languages and their quotation mark conventions.

Encoding Switcher

For setting character and end-of-line encoding.

Find and Replace Text

Find text or use regular expressions and replace them with specified text. Options for case sensitivity.

Generate Sequence

For sequential numbers, with or without prepended or appended text, with choice of separator.

GitHub Advanced Search

Advanced form with Grouped Fields, Inline Search Terms, and Direct Submission.

Global Time Calculator

Convert between Gregorian calendar (UTC) and Global Time (GT). Calculate current GT.

Google Material Icons Chooser

Browse and generate code snippets for Google Material Icons across different programming languages.

Google Images Advanced Search

Advanced form for accessing Google Images.

HTML Tag Stripper

Removes HTML tags from input text

IP Address Lookup

Displays your current IP address and other relevant connection details.

JSON Tools

Validate JSON and convert JSON arrays to JSON Lines (JSONL).

Line Operations

Sort lines (alphanumeric/numeric ascending), reverse lines, remove duplicates, trim spaces, shuffle, hard wrap, unwrap.

Markdown → HTML Converter (Basic)

Converts basic Markdown text to HTML using built-in PHP functions. No external libraries needed. Supports common syntax like headings, bold, italics, links, images, lists, code blocks, blockquotes, and horizontal rules.

Markdown → HTML Converter (Basic)

Converts basic Markdown text to HTML using built-in PHP functions. No external libraries needed. Supports common syntax like headings, bold, italics, links, images, lists, code blocks, blockquotes, and horizontal rules.

Multi-Encoder/Decoder Tool

Encodes, decodes, hashes, compresses, and transforms text using a wide variety of methods.

PGN Sorter

Sort lines (alphanumeric/numeric ascending), reverse lines, remove duplicates, trim spaces, shuffle, hard wrap, unwrap.

Pretty Printer

Formats code snippets for various programming languages using Prettier.

Project Gutenberg HTML Cleaner

Cleans and normalizes Project Gutenberg HTML ebooks into a simplified semantic HTML structure.

Random Number Generator

Generates random numbers within a specified range with various options.

Reddit Advanced Search

Expanded form for performing advanced searches on Reddit with detailed search options.

Regular Expressions Tester

Test your regular expressions against sample text. Highlight matches and display detailed results.

Remove Accents

Takes diacritical marks off of input text.

Text Statistics

Text Statistics Analyzer with Readability Level.

Unicode Chooser

Displays Unicode characters with code point information and language-specific escaping.

Unicode Converter

Converts non-ASCII characters to HTML entities.

XML ⇔ JSON Converter

Converts XML to JSON and JSON to XML automatically. Handles basic structures.